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The Story
In the European spring of 1940, after seven months of ‘Phoney War’, the German Wehrmacht invaded and occupied Norway, the Low Countries and France. Britain feared it would be next. In May and June 1940, Winston Churchill’s government detained thousands of ‘enemy or dangerous aliens,’ previously determined not to be a risk, in the belief that this would stop any spies among them from forming a ‘fifth column’ in the event of an invasion…

Past Events
Dunera Association Hay Reunion – 2-3 September 2022
In recognition of the 82nd Anniversary of the arrival of the Dunera Boys at the Hay Internment and POW Camps 7 and 8 in 1940. (unfortunately the 80th anniversary was postponed…
83rd Anniversary of the arrival of Dunera Boys & Queen Mary Internees
Please note a $5.00 entry fee applies – payable to the Museum
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81st anniversary of the Dunera Boys in Tatura & opening exhibition of art by Paul Mezulianick
You are invited to a special event, presented by the Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum, Monash University and the Dunera Association, marking the 81st anniversary of the Dunera Boys and…