Dunera and Queen Mary Association A0018624W– Office Bearers
President: Seumas Spark (Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria)
Vice President: Ed Lippmann (Sydney)
Secretary: Kate Garrett
Treasurer: Geoff Winter (Canberra)
Assistant Treasurer: Simon Chodziesner
Immediate Past President: Ron Reichwald (ex-officio)
Committee Members:
Alan Lion (Britain)
Andrew Stocky
Jack Strom
Janet Arndt
John Ebert (Newcastle)
Michelle Frenkel (Shepparton, Victoria)
Paul Chodziesner
Paul Signorelli (Sydney)
Robyn Fuerst
Tonia Eckfeld
Postal Address
Dunera Association
PO Box 4104 Frankston Heights Vic 3199
Email: duneraboys@gmail.com
Other helpful contacts:
Carol Bunyan – Volunteer Researcher (Canberra)
Dunera Hay Tours
David Houston
Tel. 0428932161
Email: davidhouston23@bigpond.com
Tatura Museum
Arthur Knee
49 Hogan Street
Tatura Victoria
Tel: 58242111 or 58241084
State Library of NSW – www.sl.nsw.gov.au
State Library of Victoria – www.slv.vic.gov.au
Joseph Tolz has offered to provide links to video files of music compositions by Dunera Boys – joseph.tolz@sydney.edu.au